Ivan Shadis: write/code


Institution: Degree: Dates:
University of Vermont BA in Computer Science July 2022 - Dec 2024
BA in English and Philosophy Aug 2019 - Dec 2022*

* Coursework in English and philosophy completed 2022. Titles to be awarded upon completion of computer science coursework in 2024.

Institution: Title: Detail: Dates:
University of Vermont Girls Can Code Club Instructor Teach local K-12 girls the basics of computer programming Jan 2023 - Present
University of Vermont Python Programming Teaching Assistant Assist students in learning software engineering practices and the fundamentals of Python. Aug - Dec 2022
The Vermont Standard Reporter Write weekly contributions with a focus on Windsor County, Vermont. Aug 2021 - Present
Various Print and Online Outlets Freelance Writer Find, pitch, write, and submit stories to media outlets. Oct 2017 - Aug 2021
The Bridge Newspaper Reporter, Board Write weekly contributions with a focus on Washington County, Vermont. Board duties. May 2013 - Oct 2017